Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How You Do It

Rage at the sun like you found out it stole your best friend away. Head held back, microphone still catching the powerful sound waves you are generating. Your emotional energy being turned into sound energy. Transmitting. Connecting. Caught by the whole rapt audience wondering 'why?'. Speak clearly.

Understand the thing you produce the way you understand your emotion. Without being able to touch, see, hear or smell it. In its complete and natural state. Internally, know it but forget about trying to quantify it. Don't punch the numbers through the computer. It'll only ruin it, and make it stale the way a man is made stale by repeatedly counting.

Lastly, do it while the sun is shining. Do it by the lended light of the moon and wait for the peaceful dawn, in patience but not quiet. Sing, because it's a long night. It'll be the longest night (as a turn around a black hole) and coldest, lonely mountain winds you've felt, but that sun rising in a pale red sky being slowly painted up the horizon will bring the day and give back your best friend.

That is how you do it.

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