Thursday, September 29, 2011

The BoneDevil Short Live Review

I allowed myself to be removed for a while. Long enough to know it wasn't short, but not short enough to know how long. I didn't really care, though. I guess I just lost track. You know it's good when you lose track.

Anyhow, Stephen King was already in the bar by the time the show started. Musta been a few songs into the set and B.B. King slowly saunters through the doorway, and I'm surprised. It's somewhere where you don't expect the two to meet, but it's true that sometimes those who you don't think could ever get along become friends. Any way you slice the two first and last names up, you get something that fits together, either way. Wouldn't have pictured it before, but now that you've seen it, you can. .

Time passes. By somewhere in the middle, I could see the skin stretch. Like smiling but wider and much darker. Stretched tighter. Burst. Bled. Fresh wound. Fresh – fuckin' – nostalgic – wound. Porous membrane exposed, it wasn't long before it was shred.

But don't worry. The melody took a fine unwashed needle and a green thread and stitched, so everything could clot the way it did.

You fella's keep leavin' a mess like that, and someone's liable to notice.

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