Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Embarrassment of Defeat

Okay, so that didn't work well at all. Kinda cleared the room out a bit. You shy little people. That's okay. We'll power through this tough, low time and remain strong and vividly imaginative about topics. Since I have to now think about what to write, which is actually something I'd rather not do when it comes to articles – let's talk about whether or not to pursue music.

I have seriously heard tons and tons – well, a handful probably – of musicians who are excellent in their own rights and refuse to take the risks that are required to pursue the dream of music. Statistics say you'll fail. You might. I'm not gonna lie to ya. But you might succeed. You won't succeed if you try a little and then stop.

Thicken your skin, get up on that stage and bust your gut all over that audience. A bunch of alcoholics once came up with a saying, it goes: Half measures availed us nothing. Not bad for a bunch of drunks, huh? But its true, you play the game half-assed and end up with a whole lot of nothing, except a hangover. Trust me, living like a Rock Star when you're just a regular guy doesn't make you a Rock Star, just makes you an irresponsible jackass, somehow. Back to the point. Do it. Do it now. Do everything you can and put your whole heart into it.

I never knew how far I could go until I got there, and I sure didn't know when I would get there. You get me?

Just continually think about the end of your life. Don't you want to be able to say you did everything you possibly could to make the right things happen?

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