Matt recently sent a call out for contributers to the Music Box team, and I've decided to volunteer my services in order to give him a hand. His professional obligations have left him with a great deal less time for the personal blog, but I think it would be a shame to lose this forum. Writing should be fun, and all work and no play... you know the rest.
My name's Glenn, and I've known Matt for a couple of years. I've been a music fan since my teens, which was much longer ago than I like to admit. I've also been a guitar player since those far-off days of youth, and I presently front an acoustic trio called The Spoonmen. We perform a broad variety of 90's rock hits (and misses), and if you'd like to find out more you can do that right here.
I'm going to be putting together something I call Liner Notes, which I intend to be a weekly feature. Every Sunday, we're going to share an assortment of links to music-related news, blogs and other things of interest, and we're going to do it in one convenient post for all of you. On top of this, I'll be doing the odd essay or article here and there.
I'd like to give Matt a big thank you for allowing me to have an opportunity to share my thoughts, and I hope the rest of you dig my stuff. I'll have the first edition of Liner Notes up very shortly.